Who has a major case of the Mondays?
Each Monday, it seems like I sit down to my desk and create a gigantic list of things that I want to do. Tony Robbins says we overestimate what we will do in a year and underestimate what we will accomplish in a decade. That is even more true for me when it comes to a day and a week. I have things on my “to do” list that has rolled over from previous weeks, months, and dare I admit, years. Things like, “Clean gross basement storage” or “Toss the hundreds of random beach towels and bath towels that we keep for years”.
In effort to get the most out of my time in and out of the house this year, I am sitting down to think about what to avoid on Mondays, which will save me time so that I can get the most out of the precious week. I think if you avoid a few of these things on Mondays, you will also get closer to your big-picture goals.
Skip the emails on Monday. I avoid sending e-mails on Monday because so many people get flooded (I am one of them). I want my e-mails seen, so I set the to send on Tuesday afternoons or Wednesday mid-day. What is worse than Monday morning and the 50-100 e-mails in your box, don’t contribute. Instead, Monday’s are my writing morning. This is when I work on the e-mails to be sent.
Skip the grocery! In my opinion and experience the grocery store should be a line item as work. I avoid going on Monday, along with any other errands as much as possible. I avoid the dry cleaners, doctors, pretty much anyplace with a parking lot. Back to why I avoid the grocery on Monday. First, the produce needs to be restocked from the weekend. This is the biggest reason. I wait until Tuesday when the produce is re-stocked so that I can get what I need in one stop.
Skip getting made up
This is the day when I exercise, plan to work from home, write, and work ON the business (meetings with graphic design, assistants, technology, etc…) I find that most everyone is getting back into work mode, especially in the morning. I take this day to give my face and hair a break. I also save myself a few minutes.
What are some things you suggest we STOP doing to make Mondays more productive?
Originally posted 2019-10-27 17:09:51.