We all know that water is great for you, but does it ever seem like it is just another thing on your TO-DO list?
You have been told your whole life to drink more water, it makes sense, but easily becomes mundane and you find yourself reaching for something else. I want you to reap the endless benefits of increasing our water-like higher energy levels, removing toxins from your body, clear skin, fewer headaches, etc. etc. The list is long.
Here are 4 tricks that I use to up my hydration game
Reusable Stainless Steel Drinking Straws
Straws are great because it makes it so much easier to consume larger amounts of water. I love the metal straws because I drink so much more and they are good for the environment.
Add Stuff
Plain water just doesn’t cut it. It’s boring, I don’t want it. Now, a squeeze of lemon, a slice or 2 of cucumber, maybe a lime really spices things up. Mix it up! My current favorites are lemon & cucumber, basil & mint, and mint for extra flavor {and vitamins!}.
Give Sparkling Water a Try
If you are just over plain water & adding fruit, try it bubbly! The Carpenter House is a fan of LaCroix anything. The sparkling water makes me “THINK AND FEEL” like I am drinking something that’s a little bit fancy and a lot more fun.
Keep it Close to You
Accessibility is ½ the battle. Bedside-water, office desk-water, kitchen counter-water, car-water. I am a fan of mason jars, big ones, average size ones, they remind me of summers visiting in the south, it seems all grown-ups in the south drink sweet tea out of mason jars. Grab a case from your grocery. They are so inexpensive and adorable. They are perfect!
Set your GOAL for 100 oz. water a day. You might have to work up to it. What you pay attention to, improves.
What do 100 ounces of water look like? Drink 3 of these and you did it!
Originally posted 2021-04-03 11:49:33.