Imagine the best version of yourself….what does she look like? Is she a little covered up in comfort food, emotional eating, and stress baking?
If you said yes, you are in good company.
Want a super practical tip to help you rediscover your ideal self?
Two words: GOAL PANTS
Head over to your closet and find that pair of pants that is one size too small and needs some wiggling to get into. These are your goal pants that you can try on every Monday (every morning if you need extra accountability)?
As you increase your fiber and journaling what you are eating, each Monday will be filled with encouragement as these pants fit better week by week.
One extra tip:
Shake off your negative feelings. Write down your goals each morning, journal what foods you plan to eat and track your fiber. This will help you remember that you want to avoid slip-ups!
You can do it!!!
Originally posted 2020-05-20 20:29:33.