New Decade vision
For me, #one80eating is not just about losing weight, lowering cholesterol, and managing blood pressure. It is understanding that I don’t have to settle in and unhealthy lifestyle, bodyweight… It applies to NOT having to settle in life, friendships, career.
Don’t have to settle for mediocrity when greatness exists. If I see something that needs to be changed, change it. Don’t have to be stuck. The change will come with sacrifice. We all have the ability to change. Don’t have to be stuck. The change will be uncomfortable, it will require being mindful, and take time and resources…but positive change is possible.
If your perception of what you get is worth what it is that you are giving up you will find it worth it. When you look back on your life, you want no regrets. Do you like your life, career, friendships work, are you kind and philanthropic as you can be? Are you at your personal best at work? Do you feel your personal best? If the answer is no, think about why that is and think about the steps to take.
Think about your best self. What does that person look like, sound like. Envision the relationships you will have, career, the family you will have.. Picture the life you want for your self. Every day you have the opportunity to live up to that and take a step closer. Some days you may be undermining that.
Becoming the better version takes habits and reminders. I have my phone set with alarm reminders to be “PRESENT, CALM & at PEACE”. I have another reminder set in my phone to remind me to be, “BOLD, CONFIDENT, & DYNAMIC.” These phone reminders go off in the middle of the day, the alarm makes me look at my phone, and I am SHOCKED at how much I need to be reminded of these intentions. I can honestly say, that I am most often NOT doing what these reminders say when they come in. They reorient my thoughts. These alarms are helping me to create and sustain the habits that are needed to create the life I want.
When I married DKC (almost 24 years ago), I wore diamond studs. They symbolized change, elegance, and that we were starting a life of our dreams. Every single day, I wear those diamond earrings as a physical reminder that I am living MY best life. There are plenty of hard & unfancy days that I have to choose to remember that. The earrings are simply a physical reminder to myself. It doesn’t have to be diamond earrings for you, these are what I already had, and I had an intention with them on our wedding day. I’m just giving an example of using something you have near you every day and attaching a deep personal meaning to it.
What do you have in place to keep you focused forward on your vision for your life?
It is one thing to visualize it, it’s another to put action behind the vision. This is a new DECADE, a fresh chance at making new habits that can change your life forever. I hope it encourages you to know that it’s the little discipline repeated frequently that makes great change happen.
Like Tony Robbins says, “People overestimate what they can do in a month, and underestimate what they can accomplish in a year.” Let’s set you up for 2020 to be the start of a different kind of Decade, the getting things done, kind of decade.
Originally posted 2019-12-29 19:33:46.